
Global Variables

Variable Description
site Sitewide information.
page Page specific information and custom variables set in front-matter.
config Site configuration
theme Theme configuration. Inherits from site configuration.
_ (single underscore) Lodash library
path Path of current page
url Full URL of current page
env Environment variables

Site Variables

Variable Description
site.posts All posts
site.pages All pages
site.categories All categories
site.tags All tags

Page Variables

Article (page)

Variable Description
page.title Article title Article created date (Moment.js object)
page.updated Article last updated date (Moment.js object)
page.comments Comment enabled or not
page.layout Layout name
page.content The full processed content of the article
page.excerpt Article excerpt
page.more Contents except article excerpt
page.source The path of the source file
page.full_source Full path of the source file
page.path The URL of the article without root URL. We usually use url_for(page.path) in theme.
page.permalink Full URL of the article
page.prev The previous post, null if the post is the first post The next post, null if the post is the last post
page.raw The raw data of the article The photos of the article (Used in gallery posts) The external link of the article (Used in link posts)

Post (post): Same as page layout but add the following variables.

Variable Description
page.published True if the post is not a draft
page.categories All categories of the post
page.tags All tags of the post

Home (index)

Variable Description
page.per_page Posts displayed per page Total number of pages
page.current Current page number
page.current_url The URL of current page
page.posts Posts in this page ([Data Model])
page.prev Previous page number. 0 if the current page is the first.
page.prev_link The URL of previous page. '' if the current page is the first. Next page number. 0 if the current page is the last.
page.next_link The URL of next page. '' if the current page is the last.
page.path The URL of current page without root URL. We usually use url_for(page.path) in theme.

Archive (archive): Same as index layout but add the following variables.

Variable Description
page.archive Equals true
page.year Archive year (4-digit)
page.month Archive month (2-digit without leading zeros)

Category (category): Same as index layout but add the following variables.

Variable Description
page.category Category name

Tag (tag): Same as index layout but add the following variables.

Variable Description
page.tag Tag name