
Hexo provides a fast and easy deployment strategy. You only need one single command to deploy your site to your servers.

$ hexo deploy

Before your first deployment, you will have to modify some settings in _config.yml. A valid deployment setting must have a type field. For example:

type: git

You can use multiple deployers. Hexo will execute each deployer in order.

- type: git
- type: heroku


Install hexo-deployer-git.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

Edit settings.

type: git
repo: <repository url>
branch: [branch]
message: [message]
Option Description
repo GitHub/Bitbucket/Coding/GitLab repository URL
branch Branch name. The deployer will detect the branch automatically if you are using GitHub or GitCafe.
message Customize commit message (Default to Site updated: {{ now('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }})


Install hexo-deployer-heroku.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-heroku --save

Edit settings.

type: heroku
repo: <repository url>
message: [message]
Option Description
repo, repository Heroku repository URL
message Customize commit message (Default to Site updated: {{ now('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }})


Install hexo-deployer-rsync.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-rsync --save

Edit settings.

type: rsync
host: <host>
user: <user>
root: <root>
port: [port]
delete: [true|false]
verbose: [true|false]
ignore_errors: [true|false]
Option Description Default
host Address of remote host
user Username
root Root directory of remote host
port Port 22
delete Delete old files on remote host true
verbose Display verbose messages true
ignore_errors Ignore errors false


Install hexo-deployer-openshift.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-openshift --save

Edit settings.

type: openshift
repo: <repository url>
message: [message]
Option Description
repo OpenShift repository URL
message Customize commit message (Default to Site updated: {{ now('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }})


Install hexo-deployer-ftpsync.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-ftpsync --save

Edit settings.

type: ftpsync
host: <host>
user: <user>
pass: <password>
remote: [remote]
port: [port]
ignore: [ignore]
connections: [connections]
verbose: [true|false]
Option Description Default
host Address of remote host
user Username
pass Password
remote Root directory of remote host /
port Port 21
ignore Ignore the files on either host or remote
connections Connections number 1
verbose Display verbose messages false


Install [hexo-deployer-sftp]. Deploys the site via SFTP, allowing for passwordless connections using ssh-agent.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-sftp --save

Edit settings.

type: sftp
host: <host>
user: <user>
pass: <password>
remotePath: [remote path]
port: [port]
privateKey: [path/to/privateKey]
passphrase: [passphrase]
agent: [path/to/agent/socket]
remotePath: [remotePath]
Option Description Default
host Address of remote host
user Username
pass Password
remotePath Root directory of remote host /
port Port 22
privateKey Path to a ssh private key
passphrase Optional passphrase for the private key
agent Path to the ssh-agent socket $SSH_AUTH_SOCK

Other Methods

All generated files are saved in the public folder. You can copy them to wherever you like.